السلام علیکم و رحمة اللہ و برکاتہ

(Peace, Mercy And Blessings Of Allah Be Upon You)

Press Release

Compulsory Yoga Goes Against the Spirit of Our Constitution Says Jamaat

New Delhi, 15 June 2015: Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is strongly opposed to the compulsory implementation of Yoga, Surya Namaskar, Saraswati Vandana etc. by the Centre or state governments on all communities, as it goes against the spirit of the constitution of India. Secretary General of Jamaat Mohammed Salim Engineer said: “The constitution of India grants all its citizens the freedom to practice their own religion. Instead of solving the problems of the poor, economically deprived and the educationally backward and achieving social justice and communal harmony between various communities, the government is engaged in exercises that are highly damaging to the country.”
He reiterated that, “The likes and dislikes of a particular religious community should not be enforced and made compulsory for all other communities and religious groups of secular India, as it is against our constitution and against the secular fabric of the country. The government must adopt a neutral stand on such issues and play an impartial role.”
Mohammed Salim Engineer expressed the hope that the government will respect the constitution and will not allow attempts by certain vested interests to promote the supremacy of a particular culture. Government must promote unity, justice, mutual love, respect and tolerance in the country.

दिनांकः 15 मार्च 2013

सहमति या बिना सहमति, विवाह से अलग यौन सम्बन्ध स्वीकार नहीं

“विवाह के बिना यौन सम्बन्ध चाहे आपसी सहमति से हों या बिना सहमति, हमें किसी भी हाल में स्वीकार नहीं हैं।” प्रदेश के प्रमुख जन-संगठनों ने आज स्टेचू सर्कल पर प्रदर्शन कर केन्द्र सरकार के सहमति से यौन सम्बन्ध स्थापित करने की आयु घटा कर 16 वर्ष करने के प्रस्ताव का विरोध किया।
प्रदर्शन में जमाअते इस्लामी हिन्द राजस्थान प्रदेश तथा जयपुर जि़ला के अतिरिक्त सार्वदेशिक आर्य प्रतिनिधि सभा, राजस्थान मुस्लिम फ़ोरम, ऑल सेन्ट्स चर्च, मसीही शक्ति समिति, सद्भाव मंच राजस्थान, भारतीय बौद्ध महासभा, स्टूडेन्ट्स इस्लामिक ऑर्गेनाइज़ेशन ऑफ इण्डिया (राज.), वेल्फ़ेयर पार्टी ऑफ़ इण्डिया (राज.), गर्ल्स इस्लामिक ऑर्गेनाज़ेशन ऑफ़ राजस्थान, एसोसिएशन फोर प्रोटेक्शन ऑफ सिविल राइट्स (राज.), मेडीकल सर्विस सोसाइटी (राज.), प्रारम्भ फ़ाउण्डेशन जयपुर, हेल्पिंग हेण्ड फ़ाउण्डेशन आदि ने भाग लिया।
संगठनों के पदाधिकारियों ने कहा कि विवाह पूर्व यौन सम्बंध सहमति से या बिना सहमति अथवा किसी भी आयु में उचित नहीं। भारत जैसे धर्म प्रधान देश में इस तरह के कानून बनाना सरकार की नीयत और दिशाहीन पश्चिमी सभ्यता के प्रति उसके मोह को साफ़ दर्शाता है। उन्होंने कानून मंत्रालय की इस दलील को हस्यास्पाद बताया कि इससे यौन अपराधों में कमी आएगी।
वास्तविकता यह है कि इस क़ानून का निश्चित रूप से दुरुपयोग होगा तथा पश्चिम की भांति हमारे देश में भी कम आयु में अनैतिक सम्बंधों को प्रोत्साहन मिलेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि इतनी छोटी आयु में जबकि व्यक्ति अपना भला-बुरा सोचने योग्य नहीं होता, विशेष रूप से छोटी लड़कियों के यौन शोषण के दरवाज़े खुल जाएंगे और कई जीवन बरबाद हो जाएंगे। साथ ही पोर्नोग्राफी और देह व्यापार जैसे घिनौने कामों के लिए आसानी से कम आयु के पात्र उपलब्ध होने लगेंगे। संगठनों का मानना है कि इससे कम आयु में अवैध गर्भ तथा कुंवारी माँओं की समस्या भी बढ़ेगी।
संगठनों ने सरकार से मांग की है कि वह महिलाओं और बच्चों की सुरक्षा को सुनिश्चित करने तथा नारी गरिमा की रक्षा के लिए ऐसे घातक क़ानून बनाने के बजाए यौन अपराधों को रोकने के लिए मौजूदा क़ानूनों को कड़ाई से लागू करे तथा विवाह पूर्व एवं विवाहेतर यौन सम्बन्धों को अवैध क़रार देने के लिए क़ानून बनाए। उन्होंने कहा कि भारत में व्याभिचार की छूट नहीं दी जा सकती।
(मुहम्मद इमरान)
प्रदेश मीडिया सचिव

दिनांकः 13 मार्च 2013
सरकार अनैतिक सम्बंधों पर रोक लगाएः जमाअते इस्लामी हिन्द

           मरज़ी से यौन सम्बंध स्थापित करने की आयु सीमा कम करने के प्रस्ताव की जमाअते इस्लामी हिन्द ने कड़ी निन्दा की है। एक संयुक्त बयान में जमाअत के राष्ट्रीय सचिव इन्जीनियर मुहम्मद सलीम और प्रदेशाध्यक्ष इन्जीनियर ख़ुर्शीद हुसैन ने कहा कि विवाह पूर्व यौन सम्बंध मरज़ी और बिना मरज़ी अथवा किसी भी आयु में उचित नहीं। भारत जैसे धर्म प्रधान देश में इस तरह के कानून बनाना सरकार की नीयत और दिशाहीन पश्चिमी सभ्यता के प्रति उसके मोह को साफ़ दर्शाता है। उन्होंने कानून मंत्रालय की इस दलील को हस्यास्पाद बताया कि इससे यौन अपराधों में कमी आएगी।
वास्तविकता यह है कि इस क़ानून का निश्चित रूप से दुरुपयोग होगा तथा पश्चिम की भांति हमारे देश में भी कम आयु में अनैतिक सम्बंधों को प्रोत्साहन मिलेगा। उन्होंने कहा कि इतनी छोटी आयु में जबकि व्यक्ति अपना भला-बुरा सोचने योग्य नहीं होता, विशेष रूप से लड़कियों के यौन शोषण के दरवाज़े खुल जाएंगे और कई जीवन बरबाद हो जाएंगे। साथ ही पोर्नोग्राफी और देह व्यापार जैसे घिनौने कामों के लिए आसानी से कम आयु के पात्र उपलब्ध होने लगेंगे।
अतः सरकार को चाहिए कि वह महिलाओं और बच्चों की सुरक्षा को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए ऐसे घातक क़नून बनाने के बजाए यौन अपराधों को रोकने के लिए मौजूदा क़ानूनों को कड़ाई से लागू करे तथा विवाह पूर्व एवं विवाहेतर यौन सम्बन्धों को अवैध क़रार दे।

(मुहम्मद इमरान)
प्रदेश मीडिया सचिव



All Rajasthan Workers Conference

Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Rajasthan

12-13 October 2013

A State Conference of the workers of Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Rajasthan was held from 12th to 13th of October 2013 at Sawai Madhopur of Rajasthan.
The programme commenced with recitation of the Holy Quraan with translaton by Maulana Ameerul Hasan Falahi of Sikar. Maulana Sarfaraz Ahmad Falahi, convener of the conference gave a brief introduction of the conference. In his inaugural speech, Er. Khurshid Husain, State Chief of JIH, explained the importance of this two days conference and elaborated the topics to be conferred in the conference.
Maulana Jalaluddeen Umri, National President JIH said while speaking on the topic ‘Importance of Unity in Islam’ said, “Islam doesn’t allow its followers to live in solitude, instead, it emphasizes on living a social life.” He said that formation of collective as well as individual life is among the objectives of ‘Deen.’ Maulana Umri said, “a righteous unity is essential in order to form an ideally righteous society.”
While addressing a public convention, held at the Railway Institute ground of Sawai Madhopur, he said “Only two prophets are held as ‘ideals’ by the Holy Quraan, for the mankind i.e. Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), throughout the human history. Hazrat Ibraheem (AS) sacrificed a lot and was examined severely by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and when he stood successful in all the tests Allah made him the ‘Imam’ (leader) of the mankind.” Maulana Umri called upon the Muslims to raise the voice of truth and strive for the establishment of Deen. He emphasized on preparing oneself and one’s close relatives for the struggle in the way of Iqamat-E-Deen as this is the mission of all prophets.
Engineer Muhammad Saleem, national secretary JIH, while enlightening on ‘Struggle for Establishment of Justice and our Responsibilities’, said, “A person must be hounored just because he or she is a human being. Peace can only be established when justice is done as injustice is a big cause of violence.” He was of the opinion that peace and justice can only be founded on the grounds of Quraan and Sunnah.”
In another discourse at the public convention, he said that Islam is the sole alternate to the prevailing ways of life and religions of the world which is capable of solving the worldly problems of man as well as it guarantees salvation in the hereafter, therefore there is no other way of life that is based on truth.”
“Why Jamaat-E-Islami Hind Only?” Mr. Nusrat Ali, National General Secretary JIH said, “Only Jamaat-E-Islami Hind is striving for ‘Iqamat-E-Deen’, that is establishment of ‘Deen’ as a way of life, according to which a person is developed individually, an ideal society is constructed and a state is formed on the basis of divine guidance, hence, Jamaat puts forth the real concept of Deen.” He said “this is the only organisation that holds Quraan and the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) as the basis of its all activities.”
Mr. Nusrat Ali said while addressing a huge gathering at the public convention, “Jamaat calls the common people towards the worship of ‘only one and true God, Allah,’ it purifies the culture, religious rites, way of thinking of the Muslim society and is striving to transform it into an Islamic society. On the other hand, Jamaat takes keen interest in solving the major issues faced by the millat besides suggesting Quraanic solutions for the complications prevailing in the national and international society. He introduced several works of social service being carried out by the Jamaat as well as a number of its helping organisations such as SIO, GIO, Women’s wing, State wise Youth Forums, MSS, BSF, APCR etc.
State President of the Students Islamic Organisation Of India, Muttalib Mirza elaborated the significance of youth in every effort in the history for the transformation of the world. He pointed out the risks of not joining the Islamic Movement for the youth. He gave example of the Ashab-e-Kahaf (people of the cave) for steadfastness in the way of Allah.
Maulana Muhammad Ali, state secretary for Islamic Society enlightened on the formation of a true Islamic society while secretary Tarbiyah, Dr. Muhammad Naeem Falahi explained the Tarbiyah System of the Jamaat. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Siddiqui, Secretary Dawah and Media elucidated the meaning of Dawah and held it obligatory for every Muslim to call our brethren living in the country towards the service of Allah. He also pointed out the problems faced during the Dawah efforts. State General Secretary Dr. Qasim Rasool Falahi described how to accomplish the programmes made by the Jamaat on the level of the state.
(Dr. M. Iqbal Siddiqui)
State Dawah & Media Secretary

The Medical Service Society of India, Rajasthan (MSS) had organized a blood donation camp at the ground yard of Luharoon’s Masjid in the shrine of Shaikh Alauddin at Sanganer. Dr. Faraz Ahmed president of the MSS informed that in this camp 74 unit blood was collected which was submitted in the blood bank of Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital.

He also told that only the blood of a healthy man can be taken and 5 to 7 liters blood can be there in the body of a healthy man. Just taking 300 m.m. bloods from a healthy man’s body cannot cause any weakness. Every time new blood develops in our body and the old one wipes out from it, like this in a period of just three months entire blood of our body becomes new.
He also informed that, the paramedical staff of Santokba Durlabhji hospital organized this camp. Along with Jamaat e Islami Hind, Sanganer, Muslim Vikas Samiti Sanganer and Human Welfare Society also cooperated in organizing this camp.

From Darknesses To Light

All Rajasthan Conference, Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Rajasthan
From Darknesses To Light” was the central theme of the 2 days state level conference held by the Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Rajasthan, on 2nd and 3rd October 2010, at Waadi-e-Aman, Karbala Ground, Jaipur.
The conference commenced with Quraan Recitation by Hafiz Muhammad Yaseen, President JIH Niwai. A theme song composed by Janab Intizar Naeem Sb. was sung by Junior Associates of SIO.
Jamaat’s All India President Maulana Syed Jalaluddeen Umari, inaugurating the 2 days conference, said “today the world is surrounded by several types of darkness (hence the theme ‘From Darknesses To Light’), the weaker are being oppressed by the powerful, women are subjected to violence, their rights are being violated, they have been denied the very basic right to ‘live’, a girl child is killed right in her mother’s womb, before she could take a single breath in this world.” He said that these are a few types of darkness we are living in.

State President Engineer Muhammad Saleem pointed at some more kinds of darkness. He said that our youth has lost direction and has become uncertain about his or her future. It is the prime duty of every citizen of India to strive for reconstruction of the country based on peace and justice, he added. He said that the Muslims have to come forward to restore the rights of every deprived and oppressed.
In his welcome address, Janab Waqar Ahmad, president Jaipur unit and organizer of the 2 days conference, said that today, the darknesses are being deemed as light, whereas the light is being propagated as darkness. It is our responsibility to bring our fellow countrymen out of these darknesses, he said.
Women’s Session: The central theme of the session was “Role Of Women In Making An Ideal Family And Society.” women’s coordinator for western India, Mrs. Muneera Khanam said that an ideal family in the eyes of Islam is one, in which all the members dwell with love and unity, recognize and respect each other’s rights, where the basic Islamic values of Tauheed, Risalah and Akhirah are strictly observed and rights of Allah and His servants are given accordingly. Quoting a Hadeeth, she said that the best gift from the side of parents to their children is the best education and good manners. She said that women should come forward for reconstruction of an ideal society, in which every person gets his of her due rights and nobody is subjected to oppression and injustice.
While speaking on the topic “ Role of Girl Students in reconstruction of the society”, Sister Yasmeen From Pune said that young women and girl students can play crucial role in reconstruction of the society, as the coming generation will be nurtured in their laps only, hence they must acquire good knowledge and set up to prepare the new generation. Today the campus atmosphere has been polluted with fashionism and nudity and the girls are entrapped into the blind race, she said. The tragedy is that even the Muslim girls are following the trail that leads to destruction. She urged the Muslim girls to dwell in their campuses with Islamic identity and adore themselves with Islamic manners and character so that other girls may be impressed by the Islamic teachings.
On this occasion, Mrs. Arifa Parveen, Women’s organizer for Gujrat State, said while expressing her views on “Situation Of Women In Our Country, Causes and Solution” that the woman is as oppressed today as she was in the ancient times. The male-female ratio in our country has been disturbed due to the ever increasing trend of female foeticide; the number of female gender is decreasing in comparison of the male one, she added. She said that Islam gives glad tidings to the parents on the birth and rearing a girl child without any discrimination that such parents will enter the paradise. She said that the basic responsibility of a woman is to look after her family.
Maulana Muhammed Rafeeq Qasmi, central secretary Jamaat-E-Islami Hind for Islamic Society said due to the wrong perception, that it was woman who betrayed Adam and caused him to be expelled from the paradise, men have legitimised all kinds of cruelty and injustice against her. He was concerned about the religious education of the girls. He said that if anybody wants to live a pious life, he or she will have to turn towards Islam where no body is subjugated and every one is given his due rights.
A resolution was also passed on this occasion, expressing great concern over the ever increasing trend of female foeticide, deeming it an inhuman act. The house urged the government to enforce the law properly, made to curb the female foeticide and punish the culprits sternly. The house also expressed its concern over the increasing cruelty against women, in and out of her home. The house was also concerned about the growing fashion of nudity and promiscuity and deemed the fast waning dignity of woman a big threat to the society. The house expressed its concern on the double burden that has been imposed upon the woman as she is being required to earn as well as look after her family and as a result, she is suffering from different kinds of physical and mental diseases. The house was sure that if this trend continued, institutions like home, family and marriage will vanish from the society. The house was also deeply concerned that a number of sisters and daughters are being forced to indulge in flash trade; the house loudly denounced the act. The house pledged to strive for girl education as well as to curb harmful traditions like dowry and unnecessary expenses in marriages.
Milli Session: A special session on the theme “Important issues of the Islamic community, causes and solutions” was held in the night of the first day. A number of Scholars from different Muslim sects addressed the delegates attending the 2 days conference. Presiding over the session, All India vice president of Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Mr. Muhammad Jaafar said that the Muslim Ummah has forgotten the very purpose of its existence on the earth and this is the root cause of every kind of its problems. He expressed his sorrow on the fact that the Uummah has divided and subdivided into sects and sub-sects abandoning its unity, that is why the Muslims have become insubstantial in the world. He said that the Muslims have one Kalima and one Quraan and not any other community in the world has such a basis for unity, hence we must stand united and strive for the establishment of ‘Deen.’ If this Ummah stands up, for solving the problems of the other downtrodden and deprived communities and people, their own problem will be solved automatically, he added.
Dr. Qasim Rasool Ilyas, member of the central advisory council of the JIH and executive body of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board, said addressing the huge crowd comprising of Muslim men and women, “today, the Muslim Ummah has reduced itself to a demanding group, it goes from door to door and party to party stretching a beggar’s hand and begs for its rights and its requirements.” He said that the Muslim community is suffering from the ‘minority complex’, while the fact is that Muslims have always remained in minority and still triumphed on every occasion, relying only on the help and mercy of Almighty Allah, if it could happen in the past, how it is not possible today?
Former General Secretary, Jamiat Ahle Hadees and Vice President, All India Milli Council, Maulana Abdul Wahab Khilji said that we have got our country free from the British, and we only are able to reconstruct it better for ourselves. He said that we have to spread the light by our character and good deeds. “The nations survive by virtue of peace and justice and destroyed by oppression and injustice,” he added.
Qari Mueenuddeen, Convener Rajasthan Muslim Forum, said that the Muslims have cut their relation with their creator and that is why they are lost in disgrace and insult. He was of the opinion that our issues can be solved only if we re establish our relation with Allah Subhanahu Wa Taa’la.
Maulana Jalal Hyder Naqvi, Joint Secretary, Majlis Ulama-E-Hind said that we Muslims are like a lamp, let the darkness be of any degree, when a lamp is put on the darkness is destined to vanish. He said that though, today, we are divided into different schools of thought, but again, let the lamps be in any number, when they are lit the resultant light is unified and is always one. He said that Muslims never accepted the concept of super power.
Mr. Pekar Farooq, state president of APCR (Association For Protection Of Civil Rights), said that 30% of the Muslim population lives below the Poverty Line and similarly we are badly lagging back educationally. We didn’t ever recognize our political strength and hence we are being subjected to every kind of oppression.
State President JIH, Engineer Muhammad Saleem said that the Muslim community is ever united on the basis of ‘Kalima Tayyiba’, and our unity is against none but for the establishment of justice and spreading virtue. He said that it is difficult for weaker sections of the society to avail justice. “Here”, he said, “verdicts are given on the basis of beliefs, overlooking the facts and evidences; Muslim youth are jailed without proving any crime against them, even after two years.”
Secretary of the Jamiat Ulama-E-Hind Maulana Abdul Hameed Naumani from Delhi said that we need to re-establish our connection with our creator. He also laid stress on the necessity of unity within the Ummah.
National Session: On the second day of the conference, 3rd October, a special session was held with the central theme “Making A Prosperous India On The Basis Of Peace and Justice.”
Speaking as the chief guest, Shankaracharya of Prayag Peeth, Swami Onkaranand Saraswaty said that religion joins the people and doesn’t separate them, because that is not a true religion which divides people. Unity is essential for bringing people into light from darkness and the task requires youth to come forward.
Jamaat’s Central Secretary, Professor Aijaz Ahmad Aslam, presiding over the session, said that the darkness can never overcome the light, whenever light comes forward, the darkness vanishes, however long the night, dawn will surely replace it. If we return towards our Sustainer and follow the divine guidance sent down by our Lord, our country can become the leader of the world.
State President JIH, Engineer Muhammad Saleem said that today, corruption has become our national identity, woman’s respect and dignity is being sold in the name of women’s freedom, her rights are being violated, our youth has become hopeless about his future, in this situation, followers of different religions and ideologies must come together to guide the country towards right direction and bring it out of the darkness in the light.
AIMPLB executive member Dr. SQR Ilyas said that 25% citizens of our country sleep breadless and 42% live below poverty line, on the other hand we are spending Rs. 70 thousand crores on the Commonwelth Games. He was of the opinion, that the GDP scale is fraudulent which shows false progress while we are lagging behind. He said that ultimately we have to return towards the way of life sent down by our Lord, as the man made ways of life can never be beneficial for us.
On this occasion, Mr. Ved Vyas, president Bhaichara Foundation, Mr. Sawai Singh, Convener Sadbhav Manch, renowned Gandhian Thinker and writer Mr Kumar Prashant, PUCL State President Mr. PK Sharma, President of Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhinidhi Sabha Mr. Satya vrat Samvedi, Former chairman of the Rajasthan Minority Commission Sardar Jasbeer Singh, President Masihi Shakti Samity Father Vijay Paul Singh also expressed their views. Following resolutions were passed on this occasion:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->On this occasion of the two days state conference of the Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Rajasthan, we the followers of all religions vow that we will strive to strengthen the environment of mutual love, brotherhood and trust. We also pledge to strive for the elimination of every kind of tyranny, injustice and exploitation and for the establishment of peace and justice so that our country can progress in the peaceful atmosphere.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house expresses its deep concern over the ever increasing poverty, rising dearness, and widening gape between the rich and the poor. In the opinion of this house, the situation is worsening thanks to the wrong policies of the government and interest based economic system. This house demands from the government to change the anti people policies that benefit the capitalists and capitalistic system only. This house is of the opinion that only interest free economic system can eliminate the poverty from our country and lead us towards the real progress and prosperity.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house condemns all acts of terrorism and violence and demands unbiased probe into all incidents of terrorism in the country and stern punishment to the culprits, let them belong to any community or group.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->In the past few years, many Muslim youth have been detained by the police only on the basis of doubt. Neither any charge could be proved yet against them nor have they been released. This house demands from the government to speed up the judicial process, so that the innocent persons could be released and the real culprits could be brought behind the bars.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house especially urges the Rajasthan government to fulfill its duty to ensure justice to the Muslim youth who have been detained by the police in doubt of involvement into the Jaipur Blast. The police have failed to prove any allegations against them although a long period of two years has passed, so they must either be set free or the charges be proved against them, so that their precious lives could be saved from being ruined in the jails.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house demands from the government to get the case of Jaipur Bomb Blast reinvestigated in the light of the findings of Maharashtra Police about the Malegaon Blast case, so that the real criminals could be brought to justice and the innocent could be freed.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house appeals to the Muslims to endeavor for the elimination of educational backwardness and improve their economic condition and demands from the government to make serious efforts in the light of the recommendations of Sachchar committee and Rangnath Mishra commission. Muslims must be given reservation in education as well as government jobs so that the largest minority of the country might get its legitimate rights, their poverty and backwardness could be eliminated and our country could move faster towards progress.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house appeals to the Muslims to come forward to help the downtrodden and weaker sections of the society living in this country in getting justice and their due rights as this is the religious duty of the Muslims. The Muslims must favour the oppressed and strive to get justice ensured to the deprived ones without any discrimination among casts, creeds or religions. Muslims should also join hands with other organizations and groups struggling for justice and human rights.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->This house feels that the recent verdict given by the special bench of the Allahabad High Court regarding the title suit of the land of the Babari Masjid is not according to their expectations. The experts are studying the details of the verdict and Muslims will go to the Supreme Court for getting justice and they hope that the Supreme Court of our country will give its final verdict according to their hope, that is justice. However this house is very much satisfied and happy that all citizens of the country maintained peace and law & order after the verdict and hope that they will keep peace in the future. This house repeats the vow of all the Muslims to respect the verdict of the Supreme Court in every condition. This house unanimously resolves to maintain mutual brotherhood in the country.
Concluding Session: In his concluding speech, Maulana Jalaluddeen Umari, National President JIH said that the only way to come out of darkness is to hold the book of Allah fast and ask this book for guidance then proceed in its guidance only. He said that only Allah’s Deen (way of life) is true all other ways of life are false and wrong. The only ideal and role model for the whole mankind is Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), hence accept Him as your and guide leader, he added. He said that your step raised in the way of Allah, will save you from the hell.
On this occasion, Engineer Muhammad Saleem, State President JIH Rajasthan said that the Muslim Ummah is a group that invites people towards the way of Allah so it shouldn’t forget its duty and position. He said that we should not feel any hesitance or fear in inviting people to Islam, because, we only want to save them from the fire. He said that primarily this is the duty of the Islamic scholars to present the teachings of the holy Quraan before all human beings, regardless of cast, creed or religion. He said that the Muslims have to stand upholders of justice and raise their voice against every kind of tyranny, and injustice. He held that the Jamaat-E-Islami Hind calls people only towards complete surrender to their Lord and sustainer, Allah (SWT).

Progress Sans Identity A Sheer Loss-Saliha Malik

Girls Participating in GIO Rajasthan State Conference

“We must go ahead and outshine in the field of education, but with our Islamic identity, because progress on cost of identity is a sheer loss,” said Sister Saliha Malik, Gujrat State President of the Girls Islamic Organisation. She was addressing a large gathering of girl students as the chief guest of GIO’s first state conference in Rajasthan at Muslim Musafir Khana of Jaipur. While speaking on the central theme of the conference “Let Us Spread The Light Of Knowledge, Make A Better Society,” she said that we can build a better society only by virtue of knowledge. She said that during the time of Prophet (SAWS), women played an important role in gaining and spreading knowledge, so much so that many eminent scholars used to come in order to get knowledge from them. She said that Prophet’s (SAWS) Wife Hazrat Khadeejah (RA) was a big trader as well as a good scholar and a doctor, all at the same time. Stressing on the importance of education in Islam, she said that it is obligatory for every Muslim, either man or woman to acquire knowledge.
Chief Guest Saliha Malik (President GIO Gujrat)

The conference was held as the last programme of the fortnight long statewide Women’s Awareness Campaign launched by the Women’s Wing of Jamaat-E-Islami Hind, Rajasthan. On this occasion Sister Habeeba Madani, giving Quraan sermon, said that a true Muslim keeps guard on his or her Salaat (prayers), abstains from useless and insane deeds, doesn’t even go near adultery, keeps vigil over the trusts and fulfills promises. She laid stress on achieving progress through education and fear Allah (SWT) in every deed.
Er. Muhammad Saleem Patron GIO Rajasthan

Engineer Muhammad Saleem, state president Jamaat-E-Islami Hind and patron of GIO Rajasthan, said addressing the girls that Islamic Hijab (veil) is not a barrier in the way of women’s progress; instead it is helpful and provides security to their self respect and dignity. He advised the Muslim girls to be ideal Muslims by virtue of best etiquettes and character, so that real image of Islam may come forth. He was of the opinion that the very purpose of Islam is to put to an end, injustice and ensure rights to people, hence Muslim girls should raise voice against any kind of oppression, injustice or exploitation they come across, let it be in their houses or inside the campus.
GIO State President Sameena Farheen

GIO State President Sister Sameena Farheen, introducing the organisation said, “The objective of GIO is to spread education in the light of the Holy Quraan and Sunnah, bring awareness among girl students and prepare them for the struggle to stop tyranny and injustice.
Speaking on “Knowledge in the eyes of Islam”, State Secretary Sister Ubaidah Iqbal said that today the knowledge has been split into religious and modern, which is absolutely against the Islamic teachings. “Islam commands its followers to acquire knowledge as a whole, be it religious or of science, arts, commerce or whatever is beneficial to the humanity,” she said.
Ayesha Badar Addressing The Conference

GIO member, Sister Ayesha Badar said that according to Islam there are two objectives of acquiring knowledge, one is character building and cultivating good etiquettes and second dissemination of the knowledge acquired and to benefit the masses by it. She said that nowadays a Muslim girl has to face many difficulties in the campus while keeping her Islamic identity. They are branded as backward and orthodox and they suffer discrimination on the part of teachers as well as fellow students. “We can counter the challenge by our good manners and by being excellent in our studies,” she added.
Mariya Ali Addressing the Girls

Sister Mariya Ali, another member of GIO, said that when a girl is educated, a whole family gets educated. She was firm that we can bring change in the society only when we are well educated. On this occasion, girls of GIO Gujrat, Jaipur and Jodhpur presented beautiful Islamic songs.
Members Of GIO Jodhpur Reciting A Song

Ubaidah Iqbal Secretary GIO Rajasthan
Addressing The Confrence

Following resolutions were passed on this occasion:-
· This conference of the Girls Islamic Organisation of Rajasthan welcomes the recently passed, though very late, the ‘Right To Compulsory Education Bill’. This house demands from the government that the benefit of the act should reach to the downtrodden sections of the society and minorities, especially girls.
· This house expresses deep concern over the ever increasing nudity in the society, especially obscene demonstration of the female body in the Films and advertisements. This house demands from the government to immediately ban the films and ads that promote nudity. Beauty contests, in which the dignity of woman is shattered, also be banned.
· In some countries of the world including ours, Islamic Hijab is uselessly being made a topic of debate. This house unanimously resolves that Islamic Hijab is not a hindrance in the way of our progress, instead it safeguards the women and adds to her dignity. This house appeals to one and all to try to understand the Hijab and its benefits and not to target the sisters who want to live in modesty.
· This house demands from the government to grant reservation to the Muslims in proportion to their population in education, army, police and other departments, as until every citizen of the country doesn’t get justice, establishment of peace is not possible and our country cannot progress.
· We believe that the Women’s Reservation Bill, recently presented in the parliament is based upon injustice, as the women of weaker and backward sections and Muslim women have been neglected in it. This house demands from the government to reconsider this bill and a quota be allotted to the women of backward sections and Muslims.
· This house condemns the increasing incidents of female foeticide in the country and demands from the elders of the society and the government not to deprive the daughters of their right to live and to put a check on the heinous crime like female foeticide.

Islam not against progress of women

Islam does not restrict women from progress, nor education or business. Islam just expects them to do all these things while remaining within the Islamic parameters, said Engineer Muhammad Salim, Rajasthan state president of Jamaat Islami Hind. He was addressing a conference on “Be protector of women’s dignity” here in Jaipur.

“The wealth earned by women is theirs. They are owner of moveable or immovable property or wealth that they inherit,” Er Salim further said.
The most important responsibility that Almighty has bestowed upon women is to bring up new generation in the best way to make them useful for the society, he said.
The program, part of Jamaat’s women awareness campaign (16-30 May) in the state, was organized at Muslim Musafirkhan in Rajasthan’s capital Jaipur women wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind.
Addressing the women, Fatima Tanveer, secretary, Ahmedabad women wing of JIH, highlighted the plight of women in today’s society. “Our society has deteriorated to the level that women is seen not more than a sex item, and her body and beauty is used to earn money,” she said and called upon women to come up to save themselves from this plight.

Islam gave dignity to women they deserved
Women are suppressed since a long time. They were oppressed since a long time by all kind of society. Even modern society is not doing justice to women. The form and facets of oppression changed but oppression continued. Still girl baby is killed in womb. These thoughts were expressed by President of JIH Rajasthan, Er.Saleem in the press conference.

He insisted that only Islam gave justice, freedom and dignity to women they deserved. Islam first time in history gave women the right on property. They got share in inheritance. Mehrunnissa, JIH Women wing organizer said that only Islam deliver high dignity to women. Mother is ranked much higher than father in Islam
The organizer of women wing of Jaipur, Ishrat Hayat told reporters that on 22 may a grand women conference will be organized.

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